Although most people don’t consider relocating to a smaller home ideal, downsizing your living space can have many benefits. Large homes come with even more significant expenses. Stuck between high mortgage rates, exorbitant property taxes, and steep utility costs, people often don’t realize their budget could go toward more meaningful and valuable things. Contrary to popular belief, a smaller home could allow you to invest your money in smarter ways, which leads to more freedom and stability in the future. And if that doesn’t sound appealing enough, don’t forget that less square footage means less time spent vacuuming, mopping, and dusting. That couldn’t possibly leave you feeling indifferent!
With that said, downsizing to a smaller home is difficult both emotionally and logistically. It requires lots of planning, calculating, and in many cases, getting rid of things that just don’t fit into the new space – while keeping your sanity through the process. So, what are some things to have in mind when relocating to a smaller home?
Focus on the positive aspects of relocating to a smaller home
Rather than thinking about how you will lose your spacious dining room or valuable storage space, try to focus on the perks of your new cozy place. Whether you’re moving because of a new job or relocating to increase your savings, the new home will give you possibilities you didn’t have before. A positive attitude will allow you to maximize the potential of your new living situation. You might even find yourself motivated to spend more quality time outside by going for a morning jog or having a picnic at the park on a sunny Saturday. Remember to put your ego aside since a bigger home doesn’t necessarily mean a better life.
Think about the money you will be able to save in the long run. Aside from being more affordable than big houses, smaller homes are easier to maintain, and the utilities won’t break the bank. You’ll save a bit on property tax as well. Because of this, you might be able to afford that exotic vacation you’ve been dreaming about, or you’ll get out of debt sooner.
Another heartwarming perk of smaller homes is the fact that they are much friendlier to our environment. They use up less space and require less material and energy to build and maintain. So, in reality, you’re saving the planet!
Planning will help put your priorities in order
Think about your new space and what you can and want to do with it. What are your priorities, and what are you willing to sacrifice? Are you unable to live without your home office? Do you need space for exercising? Setting your priorities straight will help you utilize the space as best as possible. Also, this step is crucial when trying to prepare for the next one – downsizing your possessions.
If you’re feeling a bit uninspired and stuck, make sure to look up pictures of small apartments and houses. The new perspective will give you plenty of ideas and a boost of creativity that will help you make your new home feel homier.
Fewer possessions mean more freedom
People are often unaware of how much their possessions are weighing them down. When you have a lot of clothes, it takes longer to choose your outfit in the morning. When you have lots of knick-knacks on your shelves, it takes ages to wipe the dust off of them. You might have a garage or a storage unit crammed with things you will never use, and saving them might even cost you money. It’s hard to notice when your belongings start owning you instead of the other way around. For that reason, you should look at relocating to a smaller home as an opportunity to let go of the things that don’t serve a purpose in your life. In the end, you’ll be left with items that bring you joy and meaning.
With that said, this doesn’t mean you should toss everything in the garbage. Things that aren’t serving you might be exactly what someone else needs. There are many sustainable ways of downsizing:
- Let your friends and family take things they need or like
- Have a garage sale
- Donate to people and organizations in need
- List things on Craigslist or other online marketplaces
- Donate to charity shops
Once you regain control of your belongings and your home, you must stick with the same mindset. Don’t fall into the trap of packing your new small house with unnecessities all over again. Be mindful when shopping and only buy things if you need them. This will ensure your home stays organized and breathable.
Because you will be left only with the essential and purposeful items, you need to take extra care of them so that they last you as long as possible. When packing for the move, make sure everything is safe and protected. Try to look for a reliable moving company that will treat your belongings with respect. When you find the right crew for the task, you can rest assured that your relocating will go smoothly and painlessly.
The word custom will become your new best friend
Chances are that some of your old furniture won’t be the right fit for your new home. The best thing you can do to make your small space more organized and functional is to have your furniture and storage spaces custom made. This will allow you to utilize the dead areas and corners that would otherwise stay empty.
Consider getting a couch with built-in storage space. Have drawers made for under your bed. Make shelves that fit weird corners and other inaccessible places. The possibilities are endless, and this is the moment to let your creativity shine bright. When everything has its place, your home will feel more spacious and Pinterest-worthy. Although the words custom-made sound expensive, there are options that fit many various price points. You can even turn some simple ideas into fun weekend projects for the entire family.
Less space could mean better relationships
Downsizing could do wonders for your family’s relationships. When ‘forced’ to live in a small space with other people, you are more likely to spend time together. Instead of everyone being in their room all the time, your family could spend afternoons watching your favorite TV show, cooking dinner, or simply enjoying each other’s company. This way, you’re more likely to work on your relationship and improve your communication. The more intimate atmosphere will help make you feel less alone, and you won’t have to try too hard to spend quality time together. You will be more appreciative of the things you have, and your children will get the opportunity to learn that more doesn’t necessarily mean better. It would be foolish to think you will always get along, but the daily quarrels will pose as an invitation to work on things that need improvement.
Relocating to a smaller home doesn’t have to imply that you’re struggling financially. Many benefits that come with downsizing can help you save money, be more mindful about the things you buy and use, and improve your emotional wellbeing. This step does require a lot of effort, creative thinking, and improvising, but the lessons it will teach you are worth more than the biggest house money can buy.